Author's page : https://attunedvibrations.com/free-healing-tones/
Download free Solfeggio Frequency MP3’s
Updated Jan 17, 2018
The individual Solfeggio Frequencies are 174 Hz, 285 Hz, 396 Hz, 417 Hz, 528 Hz, 639 Hz, 741 Hz, 852 Hz, and 963 Hz.
The Solfeggio Scale tones are associated with UT (396 Hz), RE (417 Hz), MI (528 Hz), FA (639 Hz), SOL (741 Hz), and LA (852 Hz).
Much has been attributed to the healing powers associated with the Solfeggio Frequencies (Original Solfeggio Scale). I’m merely presenting these MP3 files as reference implementations.
Each MP3 file is 11.5MB, 5 minutes long and mono, 320kbps. They begin and end with a 30 second fade in and fade out. You can listen to them with or without headphones (they aren’t binaural beats). Use them as an ambient background sound or as a meditation aid.
Solfeggio Frequency 174 Hz
Give your body a sense of security, safety and love. Encourage your cells to to do their best. According to some sources, this tone tends to reduce pain energetically.
Download HERE (right click / Save Link As)
Solfeggio Frequency 285 Hz
Influence energy fields and send a message to your body to restructure itself. 285 Hz frequency is being said to leave your body rejuvenated and energized.
Download HERE (right click / Save Link As)
Solfeggio Frequency 396 Hz
Releases from guilt and fear. Guilt often represent one of the basic obstacles to realization. 396Hz liberates the energy and enables achievement of goals in the most direct way.
Download HERE (right click / Save Link As)
Solfeggio Frequency 417 Hz
Produces energy to bring about change. 417Hz clears destructive influences of past events and puts you in touch with an inexhaustible source of energy that allows you to change your life.
Download HERE (right click / Save Link As)
Solfeggio Frequency 528 Hz
Brings transformation and miracles into your life. 528Hz frequency activates your imagination, intention and intuition to operate for your highest and best purpose.
Download HERE (right click / Save Link As)
Solfeggio Frequency 639 Hz
Dealing with relationships problems – those in family, between partners, friends or social problems. When talking about cellular processes, 639 Hz frequency can encourage the cell to communicate with its environment.
Download HERE (right click / Save Link As)
Solfeggio Frequency 741 Hz
Leads you into the power of self-expression, which results in a pure and stable life. The intent behind the 741Hz frequency is to solve and cleanse.
Download HERE (right click / Save Link As)
Solfeggio Frequency 852 Hz
Linked to ability to see through the illusions of your life, such as hidden agendas of people, places and things. 852Hz raises awareness and lets you return to spiritual order.
Download HERE (right click / Save Link As)
Solfeggio Frequency 963 Hz
The frequency of 963 Hz is connected with the Light, and enables direct experience. Re-connects you with the Spirit, or the non-vibrational energies of the spiritual world.
Download HERE (right click / Save Link As)
Purely as a precaution, we do not recommend using the tones while driving or operating machinery.
Listen at low to moderate volume level. Headphones are not required.
Author's page : http://www.solfeggiotones.com/download-solfeggio-tones/
Download Solfeggio Tones
SolfeggioTones.com has 2 different versions of the Solfeggio Frequencies:
- The Series of 9 Album (Created by Brad Johnson: Creator of SolfeggioTones.com)
- The Ravi Solfeggio Tones (Free 3rd Party Version)
Click HERE (direct download) to download the series of 9 Albums (ZIP file, 231 MB, 320 Kbps each track)
The file is in ZIP format. You may need a free ZIP archive program (7Zip) to gain access to the album.
Once you have opened the album, listen to the Introduction/Instructions track before you listen to the Solfeggio Tone tracks.
The second version is known as the “Ravi Solfeggio Tone.”
– This track is to remain in a high quality WAV format for the best results. This track is the more intense of the two available. It is not recommended that you convert this to MP3 or any other compressed file as you will risk having the tone lose it’s integrity and will not function properly.
DOWNLOAD the Ravi Solfeggio Audio File or HERE (direct download)
The second solfeggio tone is the Ravi Solfeggio Audio version 2 that has a reduction in ambience.
DOWNLOAD the Ravi Solfeggio Audio File without Ambience (Pitch re-mastered to 432 Hz) or HERE (direct download)
UPDATE: Introducing the newest addition to Solfeggiotones.com : The New Ravi Ascension Solfeggio Frequencies Version 2 –
DOWNLOAD the file HERE or HERE (direct download)
Find a quiet space where you will not be disturbed. Using stereo headphones for the Solfeggio frequencies is highly recommended. The better quality the headphones, the better result you will receive.
As you start to listen to the Solfeggio frequencies, it is important that you focus on the Solfeggio tone playing. Let that be where you focus your attention.
As you also start to listen to the frequencies, you may encounter symptoms such as headaches, body twitches or even nausea. Do not be alarmed. This is perfectly normal. The tones are removing energetic blockages from your body so that your natural harmonic electromagnetic field can flow more energies to the areas of your body that require it.
For best results, listen to any version of the Solfeggio frequencies at least once per day. Best results see improvement after a six week period from listening to the tones daily. You can listen to the tones as often as you want per day as it will only benefit you. As long as you perform the once a day routine for six weeks, that is where you will start to see results.
Please remember that the Solfeggio frequencies are not a “miracle cure.” In no way should you replace your prescribed medication or any other form of treatment without first consulting your physician. The Solfeggio frequencies are an additional tool that can assist you with medical conditions, but should in no way be the primary source replacement without a Doctor’s consent.
Frequently Asked Questions :
Will these tones heal me of any ailment ?
Understand that only you can heal you. The solfeggio tones are but a tool to assist you in the healing process, but you are the one who decides if you wish to be healed or not. The more you are willing to let yourself go, relax, release belief systems and sink into the frequencies, you are allowing yourself to enter the healing process.
Is there a certain amount of time I need to devote daily on listening to these tones ?
How often you decide to listen to them is entirely up to you. These tones are simply meant to benefit you, never to be a burden. Our suggestion for best results is committing at least 15 minutes per day listening to these tones for up to a span of 4-6 weeks while in meditation. Again, this is only suggestive for best results, but feel free to listen to them as frequently or rarely as you wish. The choice is yours.
Should I wear headphones to listen to the tones ?
This is highly advised to help you sink deeper into the tones as they come through with more clarity with good quality stereo headphones. The key is to focus entirely on the tones themselves within the music. This is what brings best results. However, if you wish to listen to them over your stereo speakers, this is fine as well.
Why are the Ravi Solfeggio tones recorded in WAV ?
For quality purposes. A WAV file is a more uncompressed format and so it preserves more of the tone. This is why it is considered to be more intense. Whereas the collection of 9 solfeggios were captured as MP3 and are more subtle for those who seek an alternative to an intense solfeggio tone.
Can I convert the Ravi Solfeggio tones to MP3 ?
It is highly advised that you do not as the intensity and clarity of the Ravi Solfeggio tones will be reduced due to the mp3 compression rate. Most mp3 players nowadays will also play WAV files as well. If possible, please try to maintain the clarity and quality of the Ravi Solfeggio tones in its original WAV format.
Can I distribute these tones freely or use them in any form of production or presentation ?
Of course you can. There is no copyright or terms in distributing these tones freely. Please feel free to share these tones or use them in any form of production or presentation you wish.
What is the difference between the Sedona 11:11 tones and the Collection of 9 tones and did Solfeggiotones.com create them ?
The preference of music is really the only difference as they both include the scale of Solfeggio tones, and with the exception that the Collection of 9 has 9 solfeggio tones included whereas the Sedona 11:11 only has 6. No, this website did not create either of these collections. They are available for free and this website is distributing them for free.
Are there any subliminal messages contained within the Solfeggio tones ?
None at all. And if you don’t want to take that statement at face value, feel free to analyze the tones yourself. The creators of these harmonizing tones are not about control or conspiracy agendas, they are offered out of the intent to expand consciousness, not to create fear or control-based issues through any type of subliminal messaging.
Are the Solfeggio Tones this website offers available on CD ?
No. This is a site currently dedicated to downloads only, however; we are currently working to offer a custom-made Solfeggio CD that will be available soon that can be purchased through this website. Stay tuned for more information on this in the near future.
Are there reasons why other sites charge for their Solfeggio Tones either through download or CD ?
That is simply their preference. Often, these tones are custom made through music tracks and we support and respect those that wish to offer custom-made Solfeggio tones for purchase. We however do not charge for our tones currently available on our website, with the exception of an upcoming custom-made Solfeggio CD previously discussed above. However, the tones that are here now on this site will ALWAYS be available to download for free.
Author's page : http://www.solfeggiotones.com/body-healing-tones/
Body Healing Tones Downloads
The body healing tones currently consist of 13 different frequencies. Below you can find further information on the benefit of each tone as well as their download link. You can also download the full archive ZIP file which contains all 12 body healing tones.
Before Using the Tones
It is important to keep in mind that some of these tones can be very intense. Please use these tones through your own discretion. Similar to the Solfeggio tones, if you feel that you are experiencing symptoms due to these tones, give yourself time to allow the frequency cleansing to do its work as your body is attempting to purge energetic debris that may cause such results such as: headaches, neck stiffness, sore throat, indigestion, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate and more. What you are experiencing is no different than going through a food detoxification.
These symptoms simply relate to energetic detoxification where you may experience symptoms while going through the process. If you are experiencing these symptoms in any way, what can be very helpful is drinking a large amount of fresh water daily : at least 4-6 glasses. Center yourself in nature and allow the plants/trees/environment heal you and bring you back to balance. These tones are not dangerous in any way, only intense, so please do not panic if you are experiencing these symptoms. They are common, they are temporary and they will pass.
If you feel that you are overwhelmed by the intensity of the audio tracks, do not feel that you need to push yourself to listen to them entirely. Stop the track you’re listening to, hydrate yourself, balance yourself and take a break. As your body works to remove the energetic debris corresponding to the particular frequency in question, it will become easier to listen to these frequencies and receive the full benefit they provide.
Also remember that these tones are merely a tool to assist in your rejuvenation. They are in no way a substitute for your doctor, but only an addition to assisting with your health on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.
The MP3’s are configured in 320 kbps bitrate (high-quality). Right-click on the “Download HERE” links and Save Link/Target as to save the mp3 to your computer.
Downloads :
337 hz This tone helps to stimulate normalized blood circulation.
Download HERE (right click / Save Link As))
537 hz This tone helps to normalizes endocrine system function. The endocrine system is a collection of glands that produces hormones to regulate the body’s growth, metabolism, sexual function and development.
Download HERE (right click / Save Link As)
625 hz This tone helps to stimulate your kidney function.
Download HERE (right click / Save Link As)
635 hz This tone helps to stimulate your pituitary function. The pituitary is a pea-sized gland located at the base of the brain, and surrounded by bone. The hypothalamus, another endocrine organ in the brain, controls the function of the pituitary gland by providing “hormonal orders.” In turn, the pituitary gland regulates the many hormones that control various functions and organs within the body. The posterior pituitary acts as a sort of storage area for the hypothalamus and passes on hormones that control function of the muscles and kidneys. The anterior pituitary produces its own hormones which help to regulate several endocrine functions,
Download HERE (right click / Save Link As)
645 hz This tone helps to increase the HGH Production (Pituitary).
Download HERE (right click / Save Link As)
654 hz This tone helps to stimulate your pancreas function.
Download HERE (right click / Save Link As)
662 hz This tone helps to stimulate your pineal gland. When activated, the pineal gland becomes the line of communication with the higher planes. The crown chakra reaches down until its vortex touches the pineal gland. Prana, or pure energy, is received through this energy center in the head. With practice, the vibration level of the astral body is raised, allowing it to separate from the physical.
Download HERE (right click / Save Link As)
696 hz This tone helps to stimulate your heart function.
Download HERE (right click / Save Link As)
751 hz This tone helps to stimulate your liver function.
Download HERE (right click / Save Link As)
763 hz This tone helps to stimulate your thyroid function. A properly functioning thyroid gland is extremely crucial for your metabolism and when it doesn’t work correctly many of your bodily functions can suffer.
Download HERE (right click / Save Link As)
764 hz This tone helps to normalize your nervous system function.
Download HERE (right click / Save Link As)
835 hz This tone helps to normalize your immune system function.
Download HERE (right click / Save Link As)
1335 hz This tone helps to stimulate your adrenal function. The main purpose of your adrenals is to enable your body to deal with stress from every possible source, ranging from injury and disease to work and relationship problems. They largely determine the energy of your body’s responses to every change in your internal and external environment.
Download HERE (right click / Save Link As)
1565 hz This tone helps to balance your spiritual well-being.
Download HERE (right click / Save Link As)
Multi-tone This tone helps to heal acne. This track is composed of several frequencies: 0.05, 0.37, 0.83, 2.50, 3, 73.30, 383.75, 387, 389.00, 393.00 hz. All frequencies are played simultaneously accompanied with background ambience. (This track is not included in the ZIP file)
Download HERE (right click / Save Link As)
Multi-tone This tone helps to relieve backache. This track is composed of several frequencies: 0.14, 0.40, 7.50, 55, 96.50, 376.29, 425.09, 571, 833, 932 hz. All frequencies are played simultaneously accompanied with background ambience. (This track is not included in the ZIP file)
Download HERE (right click / Save Link As)
All tones This is a ZIP file that contains all 13 body healing tones (262 MB).
Download HERE (right click / Save Link As)
Other useful links :
- Free online Healing Tone Generator (Solfeggio Tones): https://mynoise.net/NoiseMachines/solfeggioTonesGenerator.php
- Solfeggio Frequencies - 10 minute segments of pure sine wave fundamentals :
174 Hz - Pain Reducer
285 Hz - Influence Energy Fields
396 Hz - Happiness
417 Hz - Change
528 Hz - Healing
639 Hz - At Peace
741 Hz - Resolve
852 Hz - Balance
963 Hz - Awaken
And a bonus track of all Solfeggio frequencies played together.
DOWNLOAD : Solfeggio Frequencies - Pure Sine Waves - Healing Tones (10 min eack track, FLAC, 161 MB ZIP file)
DOWNLOAD : Solfeggio Frequencies - Pure Sine Waves - Healing Tones (10 min eack track, WAV, 434 MB, ZIP file)
- Solfeggio 396 Alpha MP3 (music, 1 hour, 128 kbps) (right click, Save Link As) or HERE (right click, Save Link As)
- Solfeggio 417 Alpha MP3 (music, 1 hour, 151 kbps) (right click, Save Link As) or HERE (right click, Save Link As)
- Solfeggio 528 Alpha MP3 (music, 1 hour, 128 kbps) (right click, Save Link As) or HERE (right click, Save Link As)
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