All About HEALTH > LITHOTHERAPY : energy forces of stones and minerals

Lithotherapy : the healing properties of stones



       How does lithotherapy work ?

Gems and crystals have properties that act on our senses because they are made up of minerals that are identical to the minerals in our bodies. Scientists have shown that crystals and minerals exist in our bodies.

Lithotherapy :

- acts by the colors emitted, colored vibrational waves. The energy of the color has a strong action on our senses, and on physiological functions.

- acts by enzyme reactions: gems in contact with the skin transmit their properties through enzyme reactions. They diffuse infinitely small doses of minerals, copper, lithium, silicon, etc. (like the principle of homeopathy).

- acts by piezo-electricity: a quartz necklace creates a frequency phenomenon around the neck that regulates nerve influxes, removing stress and inflammation problems.

Links :
Lithotherapy and stones properties (by alphabetical order)
Stones properties (by alphabetical order)
Gemstone Meanings and Properties



Author's page :

Lithotherapy, discover the healing properties of stones
by Miriam R.


Gems and semiprecious stones have been used as amulets and ornaments since antiquity, always surrounded by a certain mysticism.

Lithotherapy consists of the use of stones, gems, quartz, and crystals to obtain a therapeutic effect.  This alternative discipline proposes that stones contain healing properties, and can help balance the body and mind to achieve optimum health.

According to lithotherapy, the benefits of their properties can be seen in different ways, from massage to the ancient stones.

Stones and health

Semiprecious stones or gems are a type of rock usually used as ornaments.  We commonly see them in necklaces, bracelets, and various accessories.  However, they are believed to possess energetic properties that can benefit the body.

Inorganic origin stones: these are minerals, like crystals, quartz, and generally form in the Earth’s crust.

Animal origin stones: even though it frequently has mineral components as well, these stones can have an organic origin.  A clear example is a pearl, which forms in bivalve mollusk, as a protective reaction to a foreign object.

Plant origin stones: one example is amber, which is fossilized resin through a process of thousands of years.

According to lithotherapy, stones have the ability to “absorb” energy from the Earth and its core, and that by entering in contact with our bodies, this energy brings healing properties.

Types of stones and their function according to lithotherapy

Even though it may not seem true, not all stone are equal, and not every stone produces the same effect on our bodies.  Each stone possess different properties, depending on their chromatic and molecular vibration.

Agate: This stone is useful against stress, as it helps detoxify the body of its effects.  Blue-toned agate promotes relaxation, while red promotes energy.

Amber: appreciated by several cultures.  For the Chinese, amber is a stone that holds the essence of life, while the Egyptian culture use it with religious and medicinal purposes.  This stone helps absorb negative energy and strengthens the organ over which it is placed.

Aquamarine: just like agate, this stone is useful against stress, and promotes good thyroid functioning.

Quartz or rock crystal: In Antiquity, this was used as a magic stone.  Rock crystal activates energy and purifies.  It is said that it works for everything, from alleviating pain, to harmonizing our environments.

Rose quartz: Linked to love and creativity, this fights sadness and is comforting in times of loss.  Promotes high self-esteem.

Yellow quartz: Provides vital energy, and is frequently recommended for the kitchen because it promotes good nutrition and brings abundance.

Coral: Used to improve circulation, coral also promotes enthusiasm and determination.

Emerald: Considered useful against sleep disorders.  Improves memory and fertility.  Also helps purify the environment, dispelling negative energy.

Jade: Considered to be a protective stone by the Chinese.  This stones provides physical and emotional strength.  It is also related to longevity, and business success.

Granite: Transmits aphrodisiac properties.  Granite attracts love and is useful at improving social relations.  Improves fertility and stimulates the immune system.

Lapis lazuli: Useful for stress and promotes good moods as well as friendly relations.  Lapis lazuli also helps regulate blood pressure, and treats recurrent headaches.

Tiger’s eye: Helps with concentration.  Considered useful in studies and offices, regulates our energy and good mood.

Malachite: This stone helps cleanse the liver and prevents cramps.  It also promotes tranquility and balance.  It can be placed in the kitchen or bathroom.

Onyx: This stone is beneficial against depressive states, helping to calm fear of the unknown, and balances the mind.

Pearl: Helps regulate female reproductive functions.  Pearls promote sweetness and tranquility, which is why they are considered feminine.

Rhodochrosite: advised to use in pairs, it is used to treat pains with an emotional origin.

Stone water :

This interesting stone application consists in pulverizing the stones and adding them to water, which is then drank, in order to obtain its benefits.  This is based on antique remedies used in China and pre-Columbian America.

One example is Ruby water, which acts as a purifier and is used with the intent of improving intestinal and heart functions, with diseases related to these organs.

Emerald water is used to strengthen the body and promote energy.

Stone massages

Stone massage is an ancient Oriental technique that consists in applying hot or cold stones to fight joint and muscular pain.  The massage is very relaxing, and can even produce a sedative effect.

This massage helps stimulate blood flow, promoting oxygenation and relaxation.



Lithotherapy: the 10 stones best for healing

    Rose Quartz: The stone of love, this stone allows us to select our lovers and relationships carefully and helps to heal a heart is broken.
    Calcite: If you’re having to explain yourself to everyone, this is the stone to have with you. It’ll help you calm down and sort your thoughts so you can express what you’re trying to say.
    Garnet: Is your sex life is struggling a little? Then connect with the Garnet stone to boost your libido, energy and creativity.
    Citrine: A variety of quartz, this stone helps with self-confidence and allows you to calm down in the face of overpowering relationships.
    Carnelian: A feminine stone which allows women to reconnect with their sensitivity and their deep femininity.
    Amethyst: Have you had a fight with your father? This stone works to appease conflicts with an authority figure and in particular to allow for reconciliation with your father.
    Lapis lazuli: This deep blue, semi-precious stone allows you to see more clearly and is useful for when you are feeling lost and are seeking guidance.
    Quartz: This is one of the most popular stones and comes in many different varieties and is specifically known for getting rid of negative thoughts and fighting doubts.
    Labradorite: This stone acts as a guide to those who are stuck at difficult decisions, it helps to clear your head and gain clarity over a situation.
    Amazonite: This stone is for those who have been badly hurt to help heal their wounds and open themselves up to others again.


Author's page :


Lithotherapy is a "science" which mixes ancestral techniques using stones and chromotherapy, or use of the colors of stones, to look after the body and mind, considering that stones emit naturally a singular vibration capable of improving the well-being of the person in its contact or nearby.

From Greek "lithos", which means stone, and " therapeia " which means care, lithotherapy is literally the " method to care by the use of stones ".

Stones were formed several billion years in the depths of the Earth: the oldest object known from our world is a tiny fragment of zircon discovered in Australia and old of 4,4 billion years.

Since the beginning of time, all the civilizations of the world always used the therapeutic properties of minerals: in Mesopotamia, tablets of Nippur testify of the use of minerals as much as plants in the traditional medicine.

The Egyptians used among others the Lapis lazuli which they reduced to powder and that they ingested as medicinal treatments. They were the first ones to study the symbolism of the colors of stones as well as the art of their placement on the body.

The Aztecs worshipped stones, and shaped them in jewels which they placed at various parts of the body according to their troubles.

In acupuncture, the Chinese strengthened the energy power of their needles by making them end with a ball of stone chosen according to its vibratory properties.

During the Middle Ages in west, the alchemists indicated that stones, precious or not, countered the diseases as the emerald, which could care the liver because it was green just like the bile, and they looked even for the philosopher's stone

During the second millennium, the knowledge become refined, and the term " lithotherapy " appears in the second half of the twentieth century : the medium Edgar Cayce drew the attention to the curative properties of minerals by mentioning the power of cure of crystals.

Also, Anselme Boece de Boot, doctor of emperor Rudolph II, mentioned in 1644 in " the Perfect Jeweler or the history(story) of stones " the curative properties of stones.

In 1748 the encyclopedia of drugs of Mr Lemery (doctor of Louis XIV and precursor of the pharmacy) quoted the virtues of more than about fifty stones and minerals. Lemery will remain used in some of our pharmacies in France until 1914, from which the principles of the homoeopathy directly arise from it.

Mister Guibourt, Professor at the superior school of pharmacy of Paris published in 1869, History of simple drugs, the first volume which is dedicated to minerals and to their study as first principle of the pharmacy.

And in 1937, the form Astier, mentionned another fifty minerals used on therapeutic practices.

Nowadays, lithotherapy is an alternative medicine with stones and minerals which possess the vibrations and the qualities to solve the physical and psychic tensions. It is especially semi-precious and precious stones which are used, but the therapist also works with crystals which channel the energy and transmit it to handle certain problems. He uses the energy of stones to rebalance and harmonized the body, whether it is for the physical or psychic level, and even spiritual.

Lithotherapy allows for example:
- To find self-confidence
- To help in the emotional and energy releasings
- To help in the awarenesses
- To favor the self-care
- To relieve the stress
- To help to relieve the physical and moral pains
- To help in the phases of depression

It is thus globally the therapy of support for the personal evolution and the greater well-being, either physical, mental or spiritual : an holistic energy technique, which takes into account our body, our thoughts, our environment, our feelings, our faiths and helps us to live better in agreement with ourselves, then with the others and with the world.
Easy tool of  work, but requiring however a good knowledge, minerals are amplifiers which help to reveal where are the blockings and to work them, acting on us by a subtle, and invisible brilliance. In the contact of the skin, the stone acts due to its chemical composition and of its vibratory energy : so it is capable of relieving various troubles.
The energy of stones is connected to their chemical composition, but also to their color.

The lithotherapy refers to the theory of colors, which is very close to the chromotherapy. Every color corresponds to a wavelength, thus to a different vibration, and it is the quality of this vibration which will be looked for, for the influence which it has on the spirit and the effect which it leads on the body.

We can classify colors in 3 categories:
· The colors which calm = the indigo, the blue, the purple and the white
· The colors which stimulate = the red, the orange, the black and the yellow
· The colors which balance = all the nuances of the green, of yellow green in the blue-green.

The first method of using a stone, and the simplest, is by keeping it in its pocket , wear it as a jewel or by placing it in its environment. This one is then going to infuse the body of the carrier, or to spread its energy near the place where it is.
For decoration or "ambiance" stones, the size and the shape of the stone will have an influence on its vibratory capacity. But the place in the area where it is also have an importance.These stones of atmosphere are going to spread their energy and to influence the area, it is thus important to choose well its stone and the place where we put it.

The second technique, that is used among others by the therapists, is to lay the stone on a place of the body or a zone which we want to influence by the energies of the stone, or on an energy center chakra. According to the theory, every chakra is representative of a color : for example for the root chakra, we shall mainly put some red.

There are 7 main chakras, and others secondary. The therapist uses 7 main chakras  to make the work, but he also acts by hands and energy visualization.

The time of a session can vary according to the needs, but usuallyit takes at least about ten minutes, to one and a half hour in selfcare therapy. In the cabinet, the session with a therapist lasts minimum between 30 and 45mn , and he uses other various techniques than those described above.

The lithotherapy has a quick action and without side effects. It is effective for all, adults and children.

However, it is a thing important to specify : stones help you and assist you, but they cannot substitute to medicine and, in the same way, they do not replace your doctor. It is only a complement.


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