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Chiropractic is a health care profession. Chiropractors perform adjustments (manipulations) to the spine or other parts of the body. The goal is to correct alignment problems, ease pain, and support the body's natural ability to heal itself. They may also use other treatments including :

    Heat and ice
    Electrical stimulation
    Relaxation techniques
    Rehabilitative and general exercise
    Counseling about diet, weight loss, and other lifestyle factors
    Dietary supplements

Why Get Chiropractic Adjustments ?

Many things can lead to a vertebral subluxation. Some of the more common causes I’ve found are:

    - A vertebra going out of place (“misalignment”) because of a slip or fall (i.e., “macrotrauma”).
    - The entire spine misaligning globally due to poor posture.
    - Joint swelling caused by damage done to the intervertebral joint.
    - An inflammatory response caused by a poor diet, lack of pure water or psychological stress.
    - Osteoporosis or degenerative changes of the spine or intervertebral discs.
    - Trigger points and tight back muscles that pull the vertebrae out of place.

Importance of Posture

The problem that we see in Western cultures is that our unnatural habit of sitting down all day does a number on our spines — not to mention our posture! We’re glued to our cell phones, iPads and laptops!

Far too many live their lives hunched over and with their necks stuck out like turtles. Doctors call this “forward head posture,” and studies prove that for every inch your head sticks out from a true center of gravity, your neck bears an extra 10 pounds of stress. Just think about how common and dangerous this can be for your health !

During posture evaluations, chiropractors regularly observe many of their patients carrying their head two to three inches forward, which is an extra 20-30 pounds of pressure on their neck!

Many people visit chiropractors mostly for treatment of low back pain, neck pain, and headaches.

A chiropractor can use many different techniques to relieve pain, including applied pressure, massage, and hands-on manipulation (adjustment) of the vertebrae and joints. They may also order X-rays, MRI studies, and lab work.
Chiropractors don’t prescribe medications, but they do recommend such things as therapeutic and rehabilitative exercises and nutritional and lifestyle counseling to help the body heal itself.

Chiropractors believe one of the main causes of back or neck pain is subluxation. Subluxation occurs when your vertebrae become misaligned. Treating subluxations can help to alleviate pain associated with a myriad of conditions, including:

    trauma, such as whiplash
    leg pain
    sports injuries
    bursitis and tendonitis
    spinal arthritis (spondylosis)

Sometimes chiropractic adjustment can cause mild soreness or aching but that usually resolves itself within 12 to 48 hours.

Chiropractic Tests

When you visit your chiropractor for the first time, he/she will probably ask you to perform a series of simple tests to evaluate your posture and range of motion. You may be asked to bend forward,  backward or side-to-side. The chiropractor will also check the way you walk and how your posture looks sitting down and standing up. 

Other tests may include:

    Piriformis Test : The patient flexes and bends the knee while lying down.
    Straight Leg Raise : One leg at a time is raised in a locked-knee position to check the sciatic nerve and flexibility of the hamstring muscle.
    Measuring the length of each leg helps determine if there is a discrepancy in leg length or if the pelvis is out of balance.
    Hand strength (grip)
    Evaluation of reflexes and muscle testing

Sometimes you might hear a "pop" while the chiropractor is testing or adjusting you, which is perfectly normal. This is caused by small pockets of air or bubbles in the fluid that surrounds your joints. When joint tissues are stretched, those pockets of air “pop,” which creates the cracking sound you hear.


Once the chiropractor identifies the problem, he/she can recommend treatment options, and explain how many chiropractic visits are necessary to reach an expected outcome (eg, resolution of pain). He/she may also suggest improvements to your diet and lifestyle, such as quitting smoking or increasing/modifying certain activities. A chiropractor may also recommend certain types of exercises in conjunction with chiropractic treatment to stretch and/or strengthen the back and neck.

Adjustment Techniques

A chiropractor is educated in dozens of ways to treat pain. Here is a sampling of the different techniques that may be used.

Toggle Drop – The chiropractor presses down firmly on a particular area of the spine followed by a quick and precise thrust.

Lumbar Roll – With the patient on his/her side, a quick thrust is applied to the misaligned vertebrae.

Release Work – The chiropractor uses gentle pressure with the fingertips to separate the vertebrae.

TENS (Transcutaneous electrical stimulation) – This device sends stimulating pulses across the surface of the skin and nerve strands to block pain signals along the nerves and release endorphins which are natural painkillers.

Cold/Heat Treatment – Chiropractors may alternate between ice and heat therapy to treat back or neck pain. Ice packs are used to reduce inflammation (swelling) for 15 minutes at a time. A heating pad (or other heat source) helps increase circulation and may promote faster healing.

Table Adjustments – The patient lies on a special table with a “drop piece” then a quick thrust is applied when the table drops.

Instrument Adjustments – Instead of hands-on manipulation, the patient lies on the table face down while the chiropractor uses a spring-loaded activator instrument to perform the adjustment.

Manipulation Under Anesthesia – This is performed by chiropractors certified in this technique. The treatment is performed in a hospital outpatient setting.

Keep in mind that chiropractic care is not a cure-all for your back and neck pain! However, it is considered by many to be a safe and effective way to help relieve pain and improve spinal function. Many physicians and surgeons recommend chiropractic care to their patients.

SPECTACULAR Chiropractic Adjustment Compilation

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QUALITY Chiropractic Adjustment Compilation

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How To Crack Your Own Upper And Lower Back ★ DIY Instructions ★ Improve Posture, Feel Better!

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