Teeth: What They Say About Your Personality



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Teeth : What They Say About Your Personality
27 April 2017

We recently read a fascinating article about the art of "morphopsychology," which is essentially reading the shape of one’s teeth to determine their personality type- but is there any merit to it?

In morphopsychology, there are supposedly four shapes of teeth, each shape possessing its own set of strengths and weaknesses. Individuals possessing that tooth shape are said to personify the traits associated with their tooth shape.

The shapes are as follows:

Square - according to morphopsychology, people with square teeth are said to be diplomatic, peaceful, discreet, calm, ambitious, and possessing a strong entrepreneurial spirit. They like order, and much like the actual shape, are very solid and levelheaded.

Triangular - if an individual has triangular shaped teeth, morphopsychology believes them to be free spirited and dynamic. They are known to be carefree, enthusiastic, impulsive and extroverted.

Rectangular – in morphopsychology, people with rectangular teeth are believed to be very determined, rational and practical, but also intense, passionate and possessing an explosive temper and vivid imagination.

Oval – people with oval teeth are said to be artistic and appreciate all forms of art. They are also considered to be shy, reserved, introverted, organized, and perfectionists.

Beyond your tooth shape, morphopsychology also has ways to evaluate your personality based upon some of the unique characteristics of your smile.

  -  If your teeth are gapped, you are said to be lustful and possess a good sense of humor
  -  Morphopsychology says people with large front teeth are stubborn and rigid
  -  If you have evenly shaped teeth, you are said to be a good decision maker and poised
  -  People with small front teeth are believed to be kind and compassionate
  -  People with an overbite or "bucked teeth" are believed to be timid and shy.


So how much merit is there to morphopsychology? While there’s certainly no science behind it, studies have shown that people perceive certain shapes, certain ways.
For example, people with rounder teeth may appear softer, while people with square teeth may seem more practical and sturdy. As for people with characteristics like bucked teeth, these individuals may have historically been more shy because they were teased for their overbite- making it seem like the shyness and the overbite are somehow related.


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What does your smile say ?
by Kara Morker

A person's smile is critical for people's perceptions. A warm, genuine smile communicates feelings that words alone cannot convey. A great, confident smile radiates warmth and allows people to feel at ease and makes a great first impression.

A smile transmits confidence and, professionalism even if you’re faking it. When you project a positive vibe, people assume you’re friendlier, and have better leadership skills. A recent study followed a group for 30 years, and at the end of those three decades it was revealed that those who had real, happy smiles in their yearbook photos had a happier life overall. In the same study, a group of strangers looked at the college photos and reported their assumptions about the women’s personalities. The women who smiled in their photos were judged to be more positive and competent than those who didn’t.

A smile can show so much, and the meaning of a smile may change depending on the social setting. Studies show some smiles bring benefits, but in other settings it may reveal a hidden weakness. Humans smile more depending on whom they're talking to, and their smile may even predict their future. From the moment you meet someone new, your subconscious starts summing him or her up. Within seconds, we have made a subliminal assessment. This is based on a variety of factors, and believe it or not one is the size and shape of a person's teeth.

DID YOU KNOW it was Hippocrates who determined there to be four basic temperament types.
Morphopsychology - Visagism is the personality types associated with the shape of a person's teeth: sanguine or dynamic (triangular-shaped), choleric or strong (rectangular-shaped), melancholic or sensitive (oval-shaped) and phlegmatic or peaceful (square-shaped).

Many of our teeth are a combination of shapes, so we possibly give off a range of messages.


When someone shares a large, confident smile, it shows they’re willing to open up and share a part of themselves.

1. A large smile says that you are accepting of others.

2. In a work environment, a smile says you’re flexible, intelligent and able to cope with challenges that my come your way.

3. People who smile are also believed to be honest, and trustworthy.

4. Every time you smile at others you send them the message that you are comfortable with yourself and more willing to accept others.

6. However, a fake or disingenuous smile (where you smile with your mouth only and not your eyes) is a sign to others that you are suppressing your emotions. A smile not felt from the heart is usually regarded with suspicion, and most people will tend to hide their true self from you.

So to smile or not to smile…. that is the question. White teeth can give you more confidence,and improve your health, however, fixing your teeth is only half the battle. Facial feedback studies show that the mere act of smiling makes people happy. As Ven Thieh Nahat Hanh says “sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.

People are attracted to happy people in hopes they might “catch” the happiness themselves.

So ... SMILE !!


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